The NYC Deaf Access Fund

The NYC Deaf Access Fund is a specialized fund set up thru District 602 in Manhattan, as part of their accessibility focus, and is an official part of the AA service structure.

Contributions are used to provide ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters at AA meetings in the NYC area - all contributions go thru the official District 602 Venmo/Zelle/PayPal, which are run by the District 602 Treasurer and DCM - they manage the accounts; the NYC Deaf Access Committee does not handle any funds directly. Similar funds focused on providing access for the Deaf are used in cities across the country and help ensure that we carry the message to all those seeking recovery.

We pay interpreters $70 for a 1-hour meeting, and 100% of your contribution goes toward paying for interpreters at AA meetings in NYC. For more information on the cost of interpreters and other logistical questions, visit the FAQ page and scroll down to the section Questions about the NYC Deaf Access Committee.

For more information on the AA service structure, click here to visit the SENY website.

>> My home group is not in District 602… can I/we still make contributions?

Absolutely! The fund is a part of District 602’s treasury and was set up as part of District 602’s accessibility focus, so that individuals and groups interested in making contributions could have a way to do so that was an official part of the AA service structure. Individuals and groups from anywhere are welcome to make contributions and we are grateful for your help in making this life-saving service possible! The funds are for providing interpreters at meetings all over NYC, not just in District 602.

>> I don’t have Venmo, how else can I make contributions?

You can also make contributions via PayPal or Zelle by using email address, which is managed by the District 602 DCM - their information is provided on the Contact page.

>> Did you know…?

The NY Intergroup website lists a little over 1,200 in-person meetings per week in NYC’s 5 boroughs, but currently lists only 4 meetings that provide an ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter.

>> Why the NYC Deaf Access Fund?

Centralizing contributions via The NYC Deaf Access Fund allows money to be used in a timely manner, wherever it’s needed most, to make more in-person meetings accessible to the Deaf community. This fund allows meetings that can’t otherwise afford an ASL interpreter to provide one, while meetings that can provide one on their own can continue to do so, creating a “both/and” approach to accessibility. The NYC Deaf Access Fund also allows Deaf fellows to request an interpreter at a meeting of their choosing, ensuring broader and more equitable access to our fellowship.

>> How specifically is the money used?

Money from the NYC Deaf Access Fund is only used to pay ASL interpreters at meetings. We do not use funds for anything else. Visit the Groups Docs page to download our monthly treasury reports which include the lists of which meets the Fund pay for interpreters at each month. All contributions go thru the official District 602 Venmo and are handled by the District 602 DCM and treasurer - not by the NYC Deaf Access Committee. If you have questions for the District 602 DCM, their information is on the Contact page.